Our FREE Global Fiesta takes place during the day on the Saturday of ¡Globalquerque! Weekend. 2024 info coming soon!
Saturday, Sept. 24, 2022
10:00 AM – 3:30 PM
The Global Fiesta is Free, but Ticketed. Pick up your ticket at the NHCC Welcome Center at entrance to Fiesta or get tickets in advance on line by clicking here: Free Global Fiesta
Join us for a fun-filled international journey packed with educational workshops, inter-activities, film, panels, food demos, performances, and much more - with offerings for all ages! - created in collaboration with the National Hispanic Cultural Center’s Department of Education! There will be interactive art activities inspired by the music and global cultures visiting the festival to multilingual poetry readings to International Dance Lessons to the NY International Children’s Film Festival Viva Kids Flicks to International Food Demo & Tasting to a presentation on New Mexican History Through New Mexican Traditional Music to workshops from visiting artists from Haiti, Israel, Taos Pueblo, and Malawi and so much more, the ¡Globalquerque! Free Gobal Fiesta is a day filled with exploration and discovery for all ages!
"This is how bridges get built.” - Mel Minter, Musically Speaking
Artist Workshops: Cottonwood Stage
MC: Hakim Bellamy
10:00 – 11:00 AM: Community Spotlight - Northern New Mexico
Celebrate the unique culture of our brothers and sisters in Northern New Mexico! Expert weaver Molly Manzanares from Tierra Wools in Chama will present a weaving demonstrations and talk about how the tradition is intricately - well - woven, into the cultural fabric of Northern New Mexico. Molly will have samples of her stunning work, too. Master carver, painter, scholar and National Endowment for The Arts Heritage Fellow, Charles M. Carillo will present the history of retablos and santos and their cultural significance. Charles will have samples of natural dyes used in painting and samples of his exceptional work, as well. This track will run through out the day with La Marcha dance lessons, History of New Mexico Through Traditional New Mexico Music presentation, a hands-on in making activity (see below) and a Global Fiesta-closing La Marcha and procession!
Both Molly and Charles will also have Booths in the
11:15 AM – 12:00 PM: Hip Hop Culture In Haiti - An Exploration With Vox Sambou
Join Vox Sambou in an exploration of Hip-Hop culture in Haiti, and the usage of popular Haitian contemporary art forms that resonate with the rich oral, rhythmic, dance, and visual artistic traditions of Haiti and how it informs Vox's music.
12:15 – 1:00 PM: Sephardic History: The North America Connection – Yamma Ensemble
Members of Israel's Yamma Ensemble discuss the storied history of the Sephardic people, their culture, their journeys and their music with a particular focus on the Sephardim from Spain, their arrival to North America and group members personal connections to Sephardic people and history.
1:15 – 2:00 PM: The Road To Tombouctou - Al Bilali Soudan
Explore the music and culture of the Toureg people of Northern Mali with members of Al Bilali Soudan (which is the ancient name of Tombouctou or Timbuktu). Learn about the tehardent, the instrument that drives their music that is an ancient precursor of the banjo and in the hands of this group is something entirely else!
2:15 – 3:00 PM: Ancient Seed Preservation, Sustainability and the Pueblo Way - Robert Mirabal
Acclaimed Taos Pueblo musician, flute maker and farmer Robert Mirabal in an engaging presentation about the importance of seed preservation, food justice and sustainability told through story, movement and flute music.

Dance Workshops: Salon Ortega
Hosted by Sarita Streng
11:00 to 11:45 AM: Dance Away The Blues with Jonathan Ting
Blues dance is a collection of dances that grew out of the African-American/black community and were danced to blues music. These dances first evolved in a Jim Crow segregated America. Blues dance is known for a high level of improvisation between the dancers and musicians and allows people to bring their own style and experience into it. Here is a LINK to Blues dance from the '40s and a LINK to what blues dance can be now!

12:00 to 12:45 PM: Ukrainian Folk Dance with Deneen Tkachuk
Deneen's love of Ukrainian dance began with her grandparents, Mary & Paul Tkachuk, who supported and danced with Vasyl Avramenko (considered to be a pioneer in bringing Ukrainian dance to stage and North America). Deneen began dancin at the age of 4 and her choreographic talent draws upon classical, contemporary and folkloric styles to create dances that celebrate Ukrainian tradition that speaks to the heart and soul of the dancer and to diverse audiences.
1:00 to 1:45 PM: Haitian Dance with Gabrielle Pierre-Louis
Racine Kreyol is an Afro-Haitian Music and Dance Company formed in Albuquerque in 1996. Deeply rooted in the traditions of the World's First Black Republic, the company was formed by Haitian musicians Ducarmel (Duke ) Germain and Adolphe Pierre-Louis. Gabrielle will be teaching one of the many traditional dances of Haiti.
2:00 to 2:45 PM: La Marcha de Los Novios with Frances Lujan
Learn the basics of La Marcha de , the traditional wedding dance performed at many weddings in New Mexico. La Marcha has become a tradition, with great variations not only in New Mexico, but also in México and across the Southwest. Immediately following the class join in the Global Fiesta La Marcha finale on the Plaza Mayor. (see more below)
Presentations: Wells Fargo Theatre
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM: Voices From Many Lands
Presented in collaboration with United Voices for Newcomer Rights and NHCC History & Literary Arts
The National Hispanic Cultural Center in partnership with United Voices for Newcomer Rights, held month-long poetry workshops for refugee youth and adults in the Albuquerque community. ¡Globalquerque! is honored to present the culmination of these efforts and to engage in mutual learning about the experiences of displaced peoples through poetry reading and visual art. Generous support for this program provided by United Way of Albuquerque.
1:30 – 2:15 PM: New Mexico History Through New Mexico Traditional Music
New Mexico State Historian Rob Martinez presents the history of the Land of Enchantment told through song and engaging stories! FUN FACT: Inditas and corridos both came out of the Romance folk music of 17th century Spain!

International Food Demo & Tasting:
Domenici Education Building
1:30 PM: International Food Demo (and Tasting!) – Three Sisters Kitchen
Our good friends at Three Sisters Kitchen have put together this demonstration to present you with a taste of one of the world's most celebrated cuisines: India! Learn how to make - and try a sample of! - a delicious Southern Indian dish with TSK's Isha Aran!

Film: Bank of America Theatre
Hosted by TBA
11:00 AM: NY International Children’s Film Festival NYICFF Kids Flicks!
7 Live Action & Animated Shorts compiled NY Children’s Film Festival
Presented in partnership with
New York International Children's Film Festival & Ciné Magnifico
2021 | 65 min.
Argentina, Colombia, Cuba, México | Spanish w/English Subtitles | Ages 8+
¡Viva Kid Flicks! celebrates the best Spanish-language short films from around the globe. These brilliant tales, with a range of kids’ perspectives, speak volumes in any tongue. Includes: 11:40 (Argentina); 3Feet (Colombia) Ailín on the Moon (Argentina); Doze (Colombia); My Brother Luca (México); The Size of Things (Colombia), Lessons Learnt by the Sea (Cuba)
12:30 PM – ¡Globalquerque! Sojourns: Episode 1 - Puuluup (Estonia/USA)
Director: Tom Frouge
2021 | 63 minutes | English, Estonian with English subtitles | Not Rated
Travel to Estonia and Finland for the first episode of the documentary series ¡Globalquerque! Sojourns: Puuluup! Visit with Ramo Teder and Marko Veisson, a/k/a Puuluup, one of the most delightful and original music discoveries we have come across. Hang out, cook, longboard, shop, drink, record and more with Ramo and Marko and families and friends! Oh! And there will be music, too! Puuluup will perform live on Saturday evening at ¡Globalquerque!. This is a perfect introduction to the duo and a chance to get an inside their heads to see what makes them tick!
More on the month-long, six-film ¡Globalquerque! International Cinema Series HERE.
Children and youth under 13 must be accompanied by a caregiver for all ¡Globalquerque! Global Fiesta activities.
Inter-Activities: Fountain Courtyard
Swedish and Ukrainian Folk Art with Kerry and Alexis Bergen
Explore the cultures of Sweden and Ukraine through their folk art! Create a wonderful Swedish Dala Horse or Ukrainian Rooster stick puppet! There will also be handouts with information about the culture and history of the crafts for children and educators to take.
Punched Tin Art with Cleo Romero
The decorative and functional Mexican artwork known as hojalata (tin art work - lamina or lata in some parts of México) has been practiced since the 1500's. Santa Fe Trail travelers brought this folk art to rural Northern New Mexico, where it thrived, resulting in a "golden age" in 1830-1860 and a revival in the 1930's and right up to the present. Here's your chance try your hand at punched tin and take home your own piece of New Mexico cultural history!
Refugee Well-Being and Immigrant Project
presented in collaboration with United Voices for Newcomer Rights
Drinks, Sweets, & Conversation from and with members of Albuquerque’s refugee communities. Drop by to say hi, get decorated with henna, have some tea and learn greetings in foreign languages.

Inter-Activities: Domenici Education Building
Screen-Printing with FUSE Makerspace
Take home a screen-printed tote-bag made by YOU! Perfect for carrying your other art projects from the Global Fiesta or some artisan crafts from the Global Village of Craft, Culture & Cuisine!
Draw To Music
Listen to global music and let the lines, patterns, shapes, and symbols flow as you draw to music. Whether you go abstract or draw an imagined scene inspired by what you hear or the colors, sights and sounds of ¡Globalquerque!, your scratch paper art will be beautiful, colorful and uniquely you!
Inter-Activities: Around NHCC Campus
Planet Music: Interactive Instruments with Casey Mraz
at the !Globalquerque! festival entrance
Ever want to pluck a zither, squeeze an accordion or bang a Chinese gong? Here’s your chance! Our ever-popular musical “petting zoo” is replete with instruments from around the world, and the only rules are smile, be nice and “please touch”!
NHCC Art Museum is FREE all day! Timed entry, tour times TBD
Enjoy 11,000 square feet of Hispanic Art from New Mexico and around the world.
NHCC Torreón is FREE all day! Timed entry, tour times TBD
Take in the beauty of the Mundos de Mestizaje fresco created by artist Frederico Vigil.
A Quiet Space in the NHCC Library
Located just east of the Fountain Courtyard
Take a break from the crowds in the refuge of the beautiful NHCC library. Kids and adults are welcome to quietly read, write, work on a laptop or listen to music with headphones. The library has books for children, youth and adults. Everyone is welcome.

Join Frances Lujan for our closing finale presentation of LA MARCHA DE LOS NOVIOS followed by our Global Fiesta ending procession! The La Marcha and following procession will be accompanied by musicians David Garcia and Brenda Romero. All are invited to join in this wonderful traditional dance!
Remember: The Global Village of Craft Culture & Cuisine is OPEN throughout the day!