The 14th Edition of ¡Globalquerque! took place on September 21 & 22, 2018
Our lineup featured the following artists:
Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino (Italy)
Coreyah (South Korea)
Delgres (Guadalupe)
Youssara El Hawary (Egypt)
Jupiter + Okwess (Democratic Republic of Congo)
LADAMA (Brazil/Colombia/Venezuela/USA)
Lluvia Negra Band (New Mexico, USA)
Los De Abajo (México)
Martha Redbone (Cherokee & Choctaw Nations/Appalachia)
*Iris Dement (Arkansas, USA) - Unable to perform due to illness
Antonia Apodaca & Friends (New Mexico, USA)
Aynur (Turkey)
Coreyah (South Korea)
Youssara El Hawary (Egypt)
Jarlath Henderson (Ireland)
La Dame Blanche (Cuba)
LADAMA (Brazil/Colombia/Venezuela/USA)
Lemon Bucket Orkestra (Canada/Ukraine)
New Mexico Pueblo Celebration (Acoma/Jemez/Zuni)
Rio Mira (Ecuador/Colombia)
Click on photos below for more info on the ¡Globalquerque! 2018 alumni!
2018 Poster Art by Jim Holbrook

Our 2018 Supporters

Photo by Richard Malcolm